90-Day Main X Account Marketing Game Plan.

25 Aug 2023, 10:38
90-Day Main X Account Marketing Game Plan “You will have seen the main X account making more noise these last 2 days and this new game plan is why” - FEGH@N 📝Primary Objective of the Campaign: To generate revenue through the X main account and collaborate with crypto influencers using the generated revenue. - Initial goal: Achieve a total of 5 million views within a 90-day period. Actions to Take and Points to Consider: 1. Make a minimum of 5 daily posts. 2. The average view count for posts should be 11.2k. 3. Use interrogative sentences while posting, particularly aiming to increase the number of comments, which could result in higher viewership. 4. Leave engaging and relevant comments under posts from different accounts, both crypto-related and unrelated, to reach diverse audiences. 5. To ensure the success of the campaign, inform the team and community about the new marketing strategy, and request their support. 6. Maintain content diversity and increase view counts by obtaining GIFs, photos, and video support from the design team. 7. Enhance average view counts through prize distribution to boost the success of the campaign. A budget of $300 worth of FEG is required for this purpose. $100 each 30-days period to boost views with give away posts. This can be reconsidered after first 30 days period. PLAN - ACT - DO - MEASURE You can all help your FEG investment by committing to just one minute of your day to help the team grab this opportunity for your investment to grow 💵 LIKE 👍 & RT THE 🦍 MARKETING TEAM