Check out the Tweet from our Lead Dev, FEGrox, about what FEG Staking will introduce.

17 Apr 2023, 03:28
✨Check out the Tweet from our Lead Dev, FEGrox, about what FEG Staking will introduce! 🚀 This revolutionary technology will soon be completed, then on to testing and a full audit. We are beyond excited to bring Staking capabilities to FEG and for all SmartDeFi projects to utilize! 💰In addition, FEG Stakers will earn so much more than before with ALL Staking Rewards going to them rather than over half going into the burn address! 📚 Learn more about the various revenue streams of FEG staking and how the Multi-Chain use of FTW, Aggregator, and SmartDeFi will all feed the Staking Rewards here: Let’s build TRUE DeFi! -The FEG Team 💪🦍❤️