Denotes NEW/Updated information. Audit Updates.

30 Dec 2022, 18:54
✅🔥 Denotes NEW/Updated information! 🎉❇️Audit Updates!❇️🎉 ✅️🔥The SmartDeFi Contract Audit by PeckShield has been successfully ongoing since December 5th! @FEGrox & @FEGBalGu have been working non-stop with them to make all recommended code changes; meanwhile, our team has done non-stop testing with every update to the code to make sure these changes have not broken any previous functionality. ✅️🔥Currently the DEV team is working several options for MEV bot attack prevention. Once integrated, we will test this safety feature which will protect FEG & all future SmartDeFi project investors! ✅🔥As the Staking Contract will not be ready until after migration, the 2% Tax allocation will be split between Asset-Backing & LP injection until it is completed. ✅🔥With a current emphasis on SmartDeFi auditing/testing & a coming focus on Staking/Presale integration we will push FTW & the Aggregator on the Roadmap tentatively to the latter part of Q1 or early Q2. 🎉✳️Important Notes!✳️🎉 ✅FEG has worked on a tentative vesting strategy for ROX token integration as we can generate the liquidity to sustain merging the two projects. ✅FEGtrack Re-Branding is complete and is now available in both the Google & Apple app stores! ✅Take a listen here to the recent AMA with Travladd about all things DeFi & how FEG is working to improve the DeFi space! ✅Regular trading of FEGtoken on Uniswap, PancakeSwap,, & several other CEXs is live and will be until migration! ✅We will be Migrating & Merging FEG & ROX into a new Hybrid token! ✅The total Circulating Supply will be 100b for each chain: FEGeth & FEGbsc. ✅Post-Migration: The commonality of the entire ecosystem is that it will revolve around the New Token (Merged FEG + R0X) & provide several passive income streams earned by staking it! ✅FEG remains on the DID upvoting system, so we encourage EVERYONE TO VOTE every 2 hours. We will continue collaboration with Btok moving forward! -Steps Here: ✅If you have provided liquidity on Uni or PCS for FEGtoken, that liquidity will still be traded against you unless you remove it. 🚨Migration has NOT begun; it will be Q1 2023 🚨DO NOT fall for fake token Migrations apps, TG groups, or websites! -Look for the BLUE Verification checkmark on @FEGchat! Thank you for your undying love & support! -FEG Team 💪🦍❤️