Migration has NOT begun (as per roadmap: docs. fegtoken. com/roadmap it will be during this quarter, Q4 of 2022).

01 Oct 2022, 19:18
🚨Migration has NOT begun (as per roadmap: docs.fegtoken.com/roadmap it will be during this quarter, Q4 of 2022) 🚨DO NOT fall for fake token Migrations apps, TG groups, or websites! 🎉✳️Important Notes!✳️🎉 ✅Regular trading of FEGtoken on Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Gate.io, & a number of other CEX's is still live and will be until the time of Migration. ✅We will be Migrating & Merging FEG & ROX into a new Hybrid token! ✅Post-Migration: The commonality of the entire ecosystem is that it will revolve around the New Token (Merged FEG + R0X) & provide a number of passive income streams earned by staking it! ✅If you have provided liquidity on Uni or PCS for FEGtoken, that liquidity will still be traded against unless you remove it. 🎉❇️LOGO/Design Updates!❇️🎉 ✅FEG will be moving forward with Option 3 as the vote was heavily in favor of it! ✅🔥More information about the implementation of the Logo and suite icons will be coming within the next few days as the Marketing & Design teams collaborate their roll-out! 🎉❇️Development Updates!❇️🎉 ✅🔥The SmartDeFi Contract is developed, team testing has begun & UI Updates are underway! -Today marks the first day of Q4, the SD contract has yet to go to audit as testing is making great progress but still underway. Testing of SD over the upcoming weeks will be of highest priority, followed by audit to stay within the Q4 launch date to the best of our ability. SmartDeFi is a large (now 2 contracts) build and with a number of functions to run through with all of the versatility it's bringing, we greatly appreciate your patience. ✅🔥Custom Aggregator is built, UI changes are underway and testing continues! ✅🔥Tracking Token Swap for Stakers is Completed and is live at converter.FEGex.com ✅🔥Peer-2-Peer trading using "FTW" for Cryptocurrencies is built, UI updates changes have been made and more will come as testing continues! NFT integration is pending. ✅🔥@FEGBalGu is hard at work on the Presale Contract for all SD projects and will have it completed by next week, once completed it will undergo team testing! He was kind enough to give a list of functions and asked for feedback here: ✅🔥@FEGrox is making progress on the external Staking contract that will be used for all SD projects, once completed it will undergo team testing! 🎉Review the FEG Gitbook for the Latest Information & the PICTURES of the New Platforms 🎉 docs.fegtoken.com ✅🔥Take a look at the following Gitbook sections to read about and see the User Interfaces for the platforms Already Developed & being Internally Tested! docs.fegtoken.com/smartdefi/smartdefi docs.fegtoken.com/ftw-limit-orders/ftw-from-the-wallet docs.fegtoken.com/aggregator-router/aggregator-info docs.fegtoken.com/new-v2-hybrid-token/staking ✅🔥Multiple lines of communication have been made with auditing services, the discussions include Non-Disclosure Agreements to protect the intellectual property we've developed as a project as well as potential cost (no final costs have been given as the auditing services need the contracts prior to giving a quote, they need this because they base the price off of the length & complexity of the code). Once the contracts are done undergoing internal testing/improvement, NDA's can be signed, and the contracts given to the companies for quotes. Thank you for your undying love & support, -Your FEG Team 💪🏽🦍❤️