
29 May 2023, 04:45
SovietPanda: HEY!!! I wanted to wait until after SmartDeFi and FEG have been running for over 30 hours, as we have been focused on inspecting the entire protocol to ensure it's running as intended. I am pleased to say that everything looks great on our side. 🦍💪 Having FEG migrate to SmartDeFi does more for FEG than meets the eye. Having asset backing in native asset(BNB/ETH) makes FEG a very powerful asset. Until we introduced crypto asset backing the only guaranteed asset to survive on a blockchain was the native asset since it is used to power the chain(gas). Now that we lock that native asset in backing we now have the same guarantee as holding BNB/ETH. This is a very powerful statement and the bigger the backing grows the more news it will make. By offering free smart lending we can really start moving the world forward. We can now set crazy goals like becoming the #1 holder of BNB/ETH and locking up huge share of the supply and becoming a direct driving factor in BNB/ETH's price and increase FEG guaranteed value at the same time. In the first 24 hours on just the BSC side we seen 14.15 BNB created in FEG backing with a low backing fee and nominal volume. If we had 10x the volume we could lock up 141.5 BNB per day, if we raised the backing share we could lock up 300+ BNB per day. Which would be over 109,500 BNB in 1 year. Now what if we did 50x volume and locked up 550k BNB per year! This could raise the guaranteed marketcap of FEG $330,000,000 per year! (with BNB @$600). Smart Lending with that kind of backing value can save the world millions in interest free loans! Imagine this: Zero interest, free lending decentralized banking that guarantees increasing future value unlike the fiat system! The fact we can even discuss this is mind blowing! We have created a monster, now we all have to work hard together and share it with the world. I know there have been some bumps in the road, but we are persistent and will never give up. We will keep innovating and delivering no matter how hard we have to fight for it. Together we can do anything and I really think we have been showing it! I'm excited to be here with all of you and see what we make in the future! LFG! ~~ROX